
Outreach Reflection

Teaching isn’t exactly my forte. I’m not exactly the type of person who would like to teach because I’m not really a big fan of public speaking and teaching requires speaking in public. But even though teaching isn’t exactly a skill of mine, I still find it a very endearing task to do. Because when you teach someone something and you get to see the progress and the output of that person, it makes you feel some sense of satisfaction within yourself since you know and you can see the positive affect that your actions were able to create. And that for me was what I got when I taught the kids from F. Legazpi.
At first, I was really afraid of teaching the kids since like I said I’m not exactly a good public speaker. But I think the kids’ smiles and hopeful eyes gave me the courage to do well. So I went for it and taught them fractions, I even used the black board. But anyways the kids there really surprised me because they were brilliant. Normally, when we think of kids from public schools we’d think of lazy and unmotivated students because that’s usually what is shown to us, but that wasn’t the case for those kids. They were motivated and they were also very smart. Teaching them was a fun experience and if ever I was asked to lose that memory in exchange for money, I would never give that experience I had with them up.
1.jpg2.jpg3.jpgAll in all, my first Outreach here in St. Paul was the best outreach I have ever experienced. I hope I get to see those kids again and I hope that I get to teach more kids like them.

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