
“Giving Back”

My plan for the FAA was to do something unexpected for my parents. I knew that my parents were going to go out today so I figured I might as well surprise them. So once I got back from Legion, I immediately started doing the dishes. Next, I did a little bit of sweeping, a task which my mom usually does. After that, I went on to our bathroom and scrubbed the floors and the walls. It took me quite a while to finish cleaning the bathroom but thankfully I finished everything before they got home.

           Dear Lord,
I thank you for giving me my family because they understand me and love me for who I am. Thank you Lord, for all the blessings and the challenges. Thank you for the all the laughter that you’ve given us but Lord, I also thank you for the tears and all the hurt. I am thankful for them because they have made us stronger us a family.
Lord, thank you for my parents and for my sister. Because of them I know the importance of charity, forgiveness, and acceptance. Because of them I know how it feels to be loved and how to love. Lord, thank you for this home that you’ve helped us build. And lastly, thank you for the love that fills my family each and every day.


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