
Digital Log Sheet: March 3 - 4, 2016

Twitter Account
No. of Tweets
Tweet Observations
030316: 137
030416: 104

Total: 241
CNN’s tweets were all professional. Most of the tweets in CNN were all about the current affairs and news. Almost all the tweets, from the dates March 3 to March 4 of 2016, were all about the Presidential Elections and the candidates, specifically, Mr. Donald Trump. Other tweets were of different topics ranging from new scientific discoveries to sports.

We followed the link of the tweet that was about the water crisis in Flint. We discovered the immense situation that the people in Flint live with due to their water contamination problem.

We read the story about “How massive volcanoes gave Mars a makeover”. We read this particular story because we were interested on how those volcanoes affected Mars and how it gave Mars a makeover.

capture-20160311-000833.pngWe were surprised at the number of tweets that CNN had. We knew that it was a news outlet and that it would probably have a lot of tweets but we definitely did not expect it to have that amount of tweets per day.
Ainna Roxas
030316: 0
030416: 3

Total: 3
Almost all of her tweets are personal. One of her humorous tweets, although it is just a retweet, is the “bukcetlist”.

She didn’t have included links in her tweets, for the dates March 3 and March 4 of 2016.

We weren’t exactly surprised with what her tweets were about. We expected her tweets to be personal and somewhat humorous as well.

030316: 2
030416: 1

Total: 3
The Gabriela Organization’s tweets were all professional. Most of the tweets in their account, in the dates March 3 and March 4 of 2016, were about the societal issues in the Philippines and also their tweets were about encouraging people to be aware.

We followed the link of the tweet that was discussing about the number of Filipino families who were experiencing hunger.  We, because of that link, found an invitation regarding the #Rise2March8 event.

Nothing actually surprised us in our findings with regards to the Gabriela Organization’s tweets. We had already expected that the posts in this twitter account would most likely be tweets that were meant to empower and support women.Gabriela 1.png
Camila Cabello
030316: 22
030416: 3

Total: 25
Some of the tweets were professional but it is mixed with personal tweets as well. Nothing is noteworthy.

We followed a link that would lead to the Fifth Harmony website. We saw promotions for their new song.

capture-20160310-230346.pngCamila’s tweets surprised us because she still easily speaks her mind even though people could publicly judge her for it.

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