
Spanish Electives: Field Trip Reflection

The field trip was incredibly fun and very much enlightening. We went to different places that not only made us discover and learn about the culture of Spain but also it made us appreciate the beauty that is the Spanish culture. The field trip was definitely, without a doubt, one of the highlights of my first year of stay here in St. Paul.
 The first place we went to was Intramuros. There we saw some old buildings and churches that very much represented to us how much Spain influenced the Philippines’ culture and history.  I, along with five other of my Elective classmates, even rode a kalesa and had a short tour of Intramuros. We also got to meet a Spanish nun in one of the congregations there. That meeting actually sparked something in me. It honestly made me want to learn how to speak Spanish more. Hearing an actual native Spaniard speak Spanish face to face was just wow. It made me appreciate the language itself more.
After that quick trip to Intramuros, we then went to Green Belt 5 to eat at a restaurant called, Tapaella. When we were there the chef actually gave us a few back stories about each of the dishes he served to us. After that we got off to the bus and then returned to SPCP.

All in all, the field trip was very memorable and fun for me. It not only made me appreciate the Spanish culture but it also made me want to know more about it.

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