
Special Case Bank Proposal

I. What is the National Health Insurance Act?
Republic Act 10606 or the National Health Insurance Act was made to cater the health concerns and needs of Filipino citizens. This act is currently being implemented via PhilHealth. This act insures money for health emergencies, procedures, doctors’ appointments, and assistance for medical bills for the cardholders and their dependents.
II. The Flaw of PhilHealth
PhilHealth is great and is beneficial to its users but it has a flaw. What’s that flaw? Well, Philhealth benefits do not suffice in attending to the holders’ needs during special cases such as cancer, stroke, and etc. Aside from that, eligibility to receive said benefits requires at least 9 months of payment. 
I. “Special Case” Bank
The “Special Case” Bank is like a savings account where PhilHealth card holders can withdraw from when the money that they receive from the regular PhilHealth account is not enough to pay for their treatment or medical bills. This bank would also help in keeping, managing, and even growing their funds for health-concerned emergencies. The “Special Case” Bank is mostly aimed for the working class or the Formal Economy members
II. Goal of the “Special Case” Bank
The goal of the “Special Case” Bank is to make sure that its users reap the benefits and financial assistance that they deserve and saved for.
III. Time Table
A.      January 2017
1.       Finalization  of Budget Plans, Benefits, and Policies
2.       Submission of Final Proposal
B.      March 2017
1.       Go-Signal from Gov’t and PhilHealth
2.       Attainment of Permits
3.       Partnership plans with Hospitals
4.       Partnership plans with DOH
C.      May 2017
1.       Start of Branch Creations
2.       Search for IT Firm that will create an Online Payment System
D.      July 2017
1.       Start of the Creation of the Online Payment System

E.       September 2017
1.       Trial of Online Payment System
2.       Finalization of Partnerships with Hospitals
3.       Start of Employee Search
F.       November 2017
1.       Finalization of Online Payment System
2.       Training of Employees
3.       Expected 4/6 Completion of Branch Construction
4.       Start Introducing the “Special Case” Bank to the Masses
G.     January 2018
1.       Expected 5/6 Completion of Branch Construction
2.       Gathering of Potential Availees
H.      March 2018
1.       Expected 6/6 Completion of Branch Construction
2.       Completion of Employee Training
I.        April 2018
1.       Opening of Branches
2.       Start of “Special Case” Bank Program
I. Requirements
1.       Member and Patient Information
2.       Medical Records
3.       Valid PhilHealth Card
4.       Valid ID
5.       Employment Certification
6.       1x1 ID Picture
7.       Birth Certificate
8.       Initial Deposit of 500 Pesos
9.       “Special Case” Bank Registration Form
II. Guidelines
1.       Membership for the Special Case “Bank” is optional but once it is availed, the user has to deposit at least P500 to their account monthly in order to maintain it.
2.       This will be deducted from their salary to make sure that they will deposit monthly.
3.       The user’s dependents can also deposit into the account through extension cards to help the principal cardholder with their financial needs.
4.       This will be regulated by PhilHealth as well – it’s like an extension of the main account they applied for.
5.       It will be partnered with Department of Health to help the cardholders look for alternatives to recover faster.
6.       If they wish to deposit more than the Php 500 deducted from their salary, they may deposit more through ePay.
7.       This can be implemented by 2018 because it will still undergo the process of approval in the government and polish the program they will use in ePay.
8.       If they encounter the situation, they will be given the choice to use the money in their bank – they can decide if they’ll claim their deposit right away or just let it stay in the bank so they can claim more in the future.

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