
Investigatory Project: Making Paper Out of Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) Peelings and Leaves || Chapter 3

Chapter III
Research Methology
      This chapter clearly present the research design used, the population and sample (if needed), the instrument (if needed), the materials and methods in the data gathering procedure, the experimental set – up. This chapter also includes captioned pictures of the experimental period.
A. Research Design
Experimental Research. In this kind of research, the researcher will conduct several experiments and observations to answer the questions in the statement of the problem.
B. Materials
Constant Variable

framed screens

Pineapple leaves & shredded papers 

Independent Variable

Nonstick cooking oil


                                                                                                                     C.Preliminary Procedures

Measuring the paper

Measuring the leaves

D. Experimental Procedures

Cover the pot and simmer it for two hours. During this time the leaves and paper will turn into a sludgy paste like mixture.

Add the pineapple leaves and shredded paper to the stockpot. Pour in 3 gallons of water.

Put a nonstick cooking oil over the surface of the screen.


Pour the sludgy and fibrous mixture over the center of the screen.

Cover the sludge covered screen with the second screen.


E. Experimental Set - up

Paper is an essential element in the process of creating artwork either in the preliminary work or the final product.

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