
Jesus is the Ultimate Moral Norm

John 14:6-21 – Last Supper Discourses
In this account, the apostles do not understand Jesus’ oneness with the Father. This confusion causes Philip to press the issue and to ask for a sign that what He says is true. So Jesus explains it to them.

Jesus is the Ultimate Moral Norm because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It is through following His footsteps that we can become worthy children of God. By following His footsteps, I mean not dying on a crucifix but instead being a good person; a person who values, among other things, love, compassion, understanding, faith, selflessness, and kinsmanship. Jesus is the map that is continuously leading us to the place where God wants us to be in. He is our moral code and our path.

Jesus is the Way in this story because He tells us and shows us who the Father is. He explains the concept of the Holy Trinity, His oneness with the God and the Holy Spirit. He also states that it is only through Him we can know the Father. Here He tells us to follow Him for He will show us the path to salvation, for He is salvation.
Jesus is the Truth because He is the light and He is the path. Also, since it was said in the Old Testament that God is the source of all truth and Jesus being one with God and being his Son means that He is the embodiment of the truth. He is the truth that acts upon us and sanctifies us.
Jesus is the Life because it is only through Him that we have the promise of rebirth into the family of God through our Baptism and the gift of eternal life at the end of our journey to salvation. Only by believing in Jesus and by living the Word are we able to know the Father and to live an eternal life. Jesus serves as our bridge to know God. He is the Heart given by God that enables us to know Him.

I can imitate Jesus by:
1. Being a good daughter.
2. Following the 10 Commandments.
3. Having faith and praying, always.

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