
Sacred Vessels of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

This is a cup made of gold or silver, or if of silver, the interior must be of gold. It holds the wine for the Holy Sacrifice, and is a striking figure of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

A covered container used to hold the hosts that will be used for distribution of Holy Communion. It is also used to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. The plural of ciborium is ciboria.

This is a plate of gold or silver upon which the large bread for consecration rests until the Offertory. Of old it was necessarily larger than now, for it held all the breads to be consecrated.

These are the smaller glass pitchers that hold the water and wine which is poured into the Chalice during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Lavabo Dish (Finger Bowl) and Water Pitcher
The dish is used for washing the Priest's hands before beginning the Consecration.

The bottle or pitcher like vessel used to hold the wine which will be consecrated at Mass for the communion of the people. It is brought forth with the gifts.

Communion Cups
Used at communion for the people to receive the precious Blood of Jesus. They are kept on the Credence Table and brought to the Altar at the Preparation of the Gifts.

Ablutions Bowl
A bowl on the Credence Table used by the Ministers of Holy Communion to wash their fingers after distributing Holy Communion during the Mass.

Processional Cross and Candles
Crucifix on pole which is carried by the Cross Bearer and the Candles carried by the Candle Bearers in the opening procession, placed in the stand in the Sanctuary during Mass and carried out by the serves in the recessional at end of Mass.

Aspersorium and Aspergillum
The Aspergillum is the long tube shaped item that holds the holy water to sprinkle the faithful or articles to be blessed; while the Aspersorium is a bucket that hold the Holy Water.

Thurible and Boat
The Thurible (Censor) is used at solemn occasions to incense the altar, Gospel, bread and wine after the offertory, the priest, and congregation and Eucharist. The Boat holds the incense until it is place in the Thurible by the celebrant. Both are used during Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The fragrant smoke of incense symbolizes our prayers rising to Heaven and purifying what it touches.

This is a small metal case about the size of a pocket watch. It is used by a minister of Holy Communion to carry consecrated hosts. Communion is regularly brought to individuals that may be sick at home or in the hospital.

Baptism Shell
This item is used to pour water on the head of a child or adult who is receiving the Sacrament of Baptism.

A sacred vessel designed to expose the consecrated Host to the congregation either for adoration in church or carrying in procession, particularly on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Lunette and Pyx

Pictured in the foreground, a Lunette is the circular receptacle that holds the consecrated host used during Adoration and Benediction. It slides into the center of the Monstrance pictured above. When the ceremony is completed, the lunette with the host is placed in this special Pyx which is kept in the tabernacle.

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